Monday, October 26, 2009

Opening a Store!

My Big Announcement is that I am opening a store over at ArtFire! My prayer is to have everything ready by the end of the week. This sweet bird painting will be available in my store!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Something Small, Something Brown

I've been painting a lot of blue eggs lately and thought it was time to paint a brown one. I also have an announcement to make... hopefully within the next day or two!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Something Small, Something Blue

If I am painting birds, then I am probably painting nests, and if I am painting nests, then I am probably painting eggs. Hmmm.... is there a pattern there?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tree Blossoms

These flowers were painted a while ago but I decided to share them today! I've been working on eggs, nests and crosses. So many pieces to work on! My large bird painting has been waiting patiently for attention. I hope to return to it soon, I have been very excited about it. Enjoy your day, and enjoy the last of the summer flowers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two For Nesting

The cold fall air and almost constant rain has kept me indoors for several days. All the more time to think about birds. Here is another nest on an 8" x 8" canvas. I've had so much fun painting nests and eggs lately. With some of the leaves falling the bare trees are revealing the nests they have kept hidden all summer.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Robin's Nest

With cool weather approaching I've been in the mood to nest. I have been thinking, watching, and painting birds lately and I thought it was time for a Robin's nest. I've also been working on a much larger bird painting that I am excited about. I'll post pictures soon so you can follow my process. Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My hats off to you

My son loves to play with his cowboy hat that a dear friend gave to him on his birthday. What is it that attracts little boys to cowboy hats, boots, buckles, etc.?