Thursday, July 29, 2010

Light and Lace

The light poured into the nook as the sun yawned into dusk. The fresh fruit, lace, and touch of blue from the bowl captured my eye. Such simple beauty. There are so many beautiful pictures that go unnoticed in a day. Light and shadows, colors, movements... I am striving to stop and smell the roses. I once read a quote from Audrey Hepburn where she likened life to rushing through a museum without really taking the time to savor each work of art. That is what our days are filled with. Blessings, beauty, moments, pictures.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Outside the backgate

Don't you just love looking over a field that is freckled with neatly round hay bales? Just outside my backgate is a lovely row of them. They all wait silently, patiently. I was excited when I stepped out and saw the fresh row.

There is something so wonderful about gathering produce from the earth....whether it be hay, tomatoes, herbs or flowers. Today I arranged a sweet little bouquet of flowers out of daisies and cosmos to sit on my counter. I had company coming over and the flower arrangement from my yard was satisfying. They also looked very picturesque sitting next to the plate of cookies.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dusk Falling - new painting

There is a new painting up in the shop, "Dusk Falling"! I have a love for aspen trees. It had been a little while since I last painted them, so I was excited to delve in. Expect to see more in the shop soon. Be on the lookout!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Searching for Honey

This weekend my family came down with a summer cold. Being rather untimely, my youngest son is also cutting his first two teeth. Needless to say he is quite miserable. Despite all of this, his joyful personality can't help but giggle and shine. Everything is new, wonderful and exciting to him. What a sweet and simple allegory this pictures.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sneaking a Peek....

My childhood church has an Arts Festival every year that is really wonderful. I love being a part of a festival whose focus is to honor God. This is a sneak peek of a painting I have been working on for the festival. It is still in the works, but prayerfully I should have it complete in time!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Spots

It is amazing to me that I would be so blessed by God to have "Happy Spots" in my day to day life. What I mean by this, is those special places you enjoy quiet and thoughtful moments... places to linger, relax, pray, and just breathe. One of my favorites is in my front yard which is pictured above. I have two rocking chairs in the middle of a flower garden...what is not too love about sitting there?

Do you have a happy spot where you like to linger?

Friday, July 9, 2010

More Vintage Beauties

Here is a another vintage bathing suite inspired painting. It feels good to be playful with my paint.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vintage Bathing Beauties

painting available for purchase at my etsy shop

I've always been drawn to vintage bathing suits. I even had a small collection of them at one point in my life. Today I started painting and drawing some suits that I am excited about. I could hardly way to show you my first one!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Strawberries - Yummy to the Tummy

This painting is available for purchase at my etsy shop

Lately, I have been craving strawberries and homemade whipped cream. Mouth watering goodness! This was the first year in a while that I haven't had homegrown strawberries! Since we moved I haven't had time to get a vegetable garden growing.... perhaps next year we will have our own, fresh picked strawberries again.

Be on the lookout for more strawberry and fruit paintings. I love working with the Biblical concept that you can know a person by the fruit of their lives.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Circle Garland

Do you love felt with a strange zeal (or oilcloth) too?

I've been working on a circle garland for my younger son to hang above his crib. I can hardly wait to get it finished, and I will be sure to post pictures of the completed project!

I started thinking, wouldn't these makes great scales on a felt fish!? hmmm.... future project in mind.

Friday, July 2, 2010


This rabbit is part one of a series that I am doing entitled "Watching, Waiting, Listening". He will be for sale up in my store tomorrow!

It has been a little while since I did a series but after I began working on him I knew that I needed two more rabbits. On my walks I've been noticing more of them. They sit still at first, staring at me as if they might be invisible as long as they don't move. It was that still as stone stare that inspired me to do the series.

This rabbit is "Watching" in the series.