Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sun Yawn

In the last stretch of the day.  The water before us.  Three generations of boys to catch fish. 

My youngest and I enjoying the quiet.  

Enjoying the last yawning blooms.  The short season of fall produces one more burst, before winter comes.  Am I ready to see the flowers fade, the green slip away in coming months?  The stillness of winter.  The wind of winter?    
"Summer and Winter
Springtime and Harvest...
Join in all nature in manifold witness
To thy great faithfulness
Mercy and love"

For now the line stretches out on the water.  The sun glowing on our arms and clothes.  Warmth wrapped around us, dragonflies buzzing. 

Thy great faithfulness that will lead us through another season.  Another stretch.  "...Strength for today and a bright Hope for tomorrow."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

At my Door

Fall has come to our doors.  Just as His word says that every season will come.

I painted these pumpkins about a year ago and felt it was time to share them.  They will be up in my Etsy shop if you are interested in having one. 

There is relief in knowing that the burning days of summer have reached an end.  The wind is refreshing as it blows across my face.  I watch the hair of my children rise as they face the gusts.  Another season coming and another goodbye.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have been standing here for too long. It seems somedays I am tearing the wall down. Then the motion changes and I discover I am building it all back up.

These walls around me. Keeping me from letting go. My hand grips tight around my dreams, my hopes. It is all just a mist...a vapor. " You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." James 4:14

These walls have to be taken down. My hand has to let go and trust. Trust. I hear his sweet words calling to me. Beckoning. Tear it down. Come close.

To have patience and wait. To see what He has for me... to see how I can glorify Him. To tear down and sit at His feet.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trying and Nearing

I've been trying for several months now to get this close to being done. The image changed, the concept changed...laundry, spills, laughter, goodnight kisses in between. I'm near. Can I really taste the end? The Festival deadline is around the corner.

Through it all have I stayed with my eyes on the cross? Did I turn to the left in frustration and the right in impatience? Oh but I have a merciful God whose grace abounds.

"In the secret place of His tent He will hide me" Psalm 27:5... even still He loves me, He places me under His protective wing.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Days Hold

Morning breezes catch the curtains. My infant son delights in the tickling movement. Graceful swings entice his little hands to touch, hold, laugh.

Outside play with old faithful. He stays close, he stays near. His sweet and humble life... moments of field chases, nights of barking, savory food to eat.

The path to see family and the aged truck lingers. It's new purpose is quiet and relaxed.

In the evening the family gathers under the trees. We pass by them often. The thoughts comes to mind that God in all his greatness knows the birth date of even these. He breathes life all around me. "... the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1

Friday, September 3, 2010

storm making

Pulling out the brushes from their locked cabinet, feeling their soft hairs... it felt so good to be holding them again. How many days have gone by?

The first, faithful, coat upon which the whole painting is built.

I've been here before. What number is this? But it has been too long since I last painted one.

I can't remember why I stopped, perhaps I just felt it was time. Perhaps I didn't understand my reason for making them.

Not finished, but at the cries of my youngest it is time to set the Tornado aside for the day. It waits in all its quiet violence for my return...to round it's edges, to give depth to its curled clouds.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rolling In

The constant sunshine of the last several days gave way to rolling clouds promising rain. I felt relieved to see the clouds coming, a personal reflection on how I was feeling. Bad news, difficult start to the day... a focus on self and not of my Heavenly Father.

But how gracious my God is... that He provides a time to grieve, a time to reflect. He gently reminds us that we need Him. He brought the rain that we needed. Though it rained hard, the wind blew, the thunder rattled the house, the earth soaked it in in long gulps. The flowers are standing tall, the leaves have smoothed out, the grass turns green again for another day.

"Help my soul to breathe after holiness" - The Valley of Vision